6/3/24 - moved to a new account! ^_^

3/13/24 - added more sections and content to graphics

1/4/24 - 1/9/24: changed color themes for mainpage. working on the 'my room' section u_u;

1/3/24: added an angel number sightings counter & to-do list! ^_^ changing color theme soon!

1/2/24: made site a bit easier to navigate with iframes! slight revamp, more to come

12/27/23: redid some of the site & added new items to the graphics section!

12/23/23: added a shrine & backgrounds to toybox sections!

8/23/23: added new things to blinkies and stamps!

8/20/23: added new things to toybox sections, homepage still under construction.


8/14/23: made my own site button!

8/13/23: chatroom + graphics sections added!

8/11/23: pixels section fixed + added new pixels!

8/11/23: socials section added!

8/11/23: layout fixed!

8/10/23: working on fixing layout.

8/9/23: added more stamps/pixels/buttons!

8/6/23: changed layouts!

6/9/23: site was born!