( this section will be updated often )


W3SCHOOLS - honorable mention. a coders bible.

SCRIPTED.NEOCITIES.ORG - a lovely site that contains all sorts of things! fonts, music players, text codes, etc!

HTMLCOLORCODES.COM - as the name suggests, a great place to find and create color codes of all types.

GRADIENTHUNT.COM - find and create your own gradients!

HTML CLEANER - this site helps you to clean up your code!

REMOVE.BG - a great tool to create PNG's and clip art!

SWAN.UWU.AI - a great collection of various different codes!

MIST.DRR.AC - a collection of codes + fonts!


GLITTER-GRAPHICS.COM - backgrounds, dividers, gifs, clipart + more

PIXELSAFARI - pixels, dividers, stamps, buttons + more

GIFCITIES - search for any gifs your heart desires!

BLINKIES.CAFE - create your own blinkies!

EZGIF.COM - an easy-to-use gif maker or resizer.

RENTRY.ORG/RSRCS - a huuuge and amazing collection of pixels, dividers, pngs, etc!


YTMP3 - a great website i've been using for many years to convert songs off of youtube into mp3 format!

FSYMBOLS.COM - another great website i've used for many years! changes the font of anything you type.

ROMSPEDIA.COM - wide collection of ROMs for many old devices

ARCHIVE.ORG - giant archive of books, media, softwares, etc!

LOOKMOVIE2.TO - a place i watch movies and shows for free! no pop-ups